Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Give me another shot of that!!

I have not felt the best for the past 5 days now. (Yeah, what's even worse is the fact that due to not feeling well, I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday :>( Anyhoo, on Sunday, a friend of mine suggested that I try this over-the-counter stuff called EmergenC. It's kind of like Airbourne... I tried the Raspberry EmergenC. It definitely tastes better than Airbourne, but that is probably because it has more sugar. The main ingredient is 1,000 mg of Vitamin C. EmergenC claims to be an "energy booster" on the box. I think I am going to keep taking the stuff on a regular basis for awhile. I'll let you know later if I notice any changes.
But for today, I am feeling better. So, whether it was the EmergenC, or simply time.. I am on the road to recovery.

1 comment:

Marymuses and The Duchess said...

Our Chiropractor recommended EmergenC, mostly because my husband is a diabetic and was quite dehydrated. Now we use it all the time. It's a great way to get your water intake, too.

I recently discovered "tropical" as a new fav. Very light tasting. I don't recommend "Hibiscus".