Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let there be energy-saving fluorescent light...

About 4 weeks ago, Mark finally convinced me that it was a good idea to spend a few extra dollars on light bulbs that would a)last alot longer and b)use less energy. So, I put my "thriftiness" to the side in order to save energy. (yeah, they cost quite a bit more than regular light bulbs)
So today, I found this article interesting. Hmmm.... could a person really potentially be fined for possession of a lightbulb?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

See, but you will actually save more money over the life of the bulb so you are still being very thrifty! You just didn't know it!

And there's all that saving the earth from global warming thing too. Welcome to the CF light club! Have Mary pick you some up at Ikea. Those rock!